Melephien Suiranain
Ever poised and collected, it is the rare thing that catches this Duskwight Elezen off guard, or so Meleph would like all to believe. Though he frequently wears a smirk across his face and defaults to attempting to sound like he knows what's going on and what he's talking about, he more often than not just...does not, leading to sagely nodding in an effort to hide the gaps in his knowledge.
Even so, what he does know is not to be made light of, being an experienced scholar and warrior both. It is, after all, a combination of his many talents that led to his becoming known across Eorzea as the Warrior of Light, if somewhat reluctantly at first. Despite this, he is eager to face primals and other terrifying monsters, as if there is something only these creatures replete with aether can provide him.
And what might it be that he fears? Perhaps unusually for someone of his repute, Meleph can also often be spotted in prayer, though whether this is to Thaliak or some other of the Twelve, or even none of them at all, is a mystery.
After his travels to the First and back to the Source, Meleph developed a more reflective and philosophical streak. He is frequently seen writing down his thoughts and experience when downtime allows him the chance to, with perhaps a little secret poetry on the side. Yet, even before this, he would frequently write letters to someone dear to him in the Sharlayan homeland.
The pursuit of knowledge appears to drive him constantly, ever onward, more than anything else.
Born to a pair of esteemed scholars, the Warrior of Light began his life in the Sharlayan colony situated in Dravania. Raised in such an environment, Meleph developed a strong love for all things intellectual from an early age. A bonafide bookworm, Sharlayan's offerings and culture of learning suited him well. Fascinated with the stars of the night sky, Meleph took a particular liking to studying astrology and aimed to become an Astrologian himself.
It was also at an early age that his parents began performing clandestine and dangerous experiments on his immense store of aether in the name of research. These experiments continued until his fifteenth year, when, upon learning that they intended to do the same to his younger sister Alhena, Meleph took it upon himself to report his parents and see them trialed for their crimes just in time for Sharlayan's planned exodus from Eorzea.
Though he had intended to return to the Sharlayan homeland with Alhena, Meleph instead chose to stay in Eorzea alone. After sending off Alhena with a trustworthy aunt, Meleph began to travel and seek out adventures to satisfy his curiosity of the wider world.
When the Calamity struck, Meleph happened to be out in the fields of La Noscea.
Though caught in the destruction wrought by Bahamut, Meleph miraculously survived and was rescued by a family of local farmers. He would stay with them for five ensuing years, helping them rebuild, before leaving with the family's twin children as they set out to Ul'dah to become adventurers themselves.

Jobs and Classes

Meleph's natural job class, which he has aspired to master since childhood. He has since become affiliated with the Astrologian's Guild of Ishgard...reluctantly so.

Continuing his studies from so long ago, Meleph joined the arcanists guild and became involved with the study of Nym, its history, and its military strategies.

Arriving in Ul'dah, Meleph took up the sword and shield of the Gladiator's Guild, later catching the attention of the Sultansworn, allowing him to become a so-called free Paladin.

That Meleph gets along well with the primary proponent of Machinists in Ishgard is known to many and feared by them all for the sort of trouble they might develop together.

Red Mage
That he became a Red Mage by a chance encounter is only lucky, and Meleph studies the art in hopes it will bring balance to his own troubled aether.

Another long time fascination and area of study to Meleph that he frequently experiments with and tries to incorporate in his other areas of study, to varying results.

One of Meleph's few pastimes unrelated to knowledge and learning is fishing, and it is fortunate that it is something he can do wherever he travels.